
How d'you look a dying friend in the eye and say goodbye?
You must've known I never would
And how d'you say you gotta go when you know he's the one going
And it's long been understood?
I've been thinking about your widow, when she was still your wife
Wondering how you make love to a dying man and go on with your life?

And I remember the day we tore along the shoreline
With a feeling that we'd won
And the moon cast its shadow and your smile split the air
And the birds fell like stones
I've been thinking about your boys
And how they've grown to men
Wildly wending up toward a sky without a sun

But you'd hate this indulgence
Cos you lost your reprieve
And poetry lost its license
When you lost your stay of leave
But you're still the one I talk to
Still the wind I walk home through
The long spilt milk I still cry over
Cos I'm the one in clover

Your face in the mist, the blood on your shirt
Your midnight call, your calm as morning broke
My first pure love, nearest thing I had to a brother
My first heartache, my first toke
I've been thinking about myself
And the harm I've done your friend
But how that final look we bartered
Still gives me the bends

You're still the one I talk to
Still the wind I walk home through
The long spilt milk I still cry over
Cos I'm the one in clover

And you'd hate this indulgence
Cos you lost your reprieve
And poetry lost its license
When you lost your stay of leave

But I've been thinking about your widow, when she was still your wife
Wondering how you make love to your dying man
And go on?